
By RJ in Fusion 360, Posted March 6, 2018

Autodesk Fusion 360 - 2018 Roadmap Update

If you're thinking it's been a while since you heard anything about new stuff in Fusion 360, well that's because Autodesk has been hard at work on actually building the updates!  And before you ask, no, the image above is not some kind of new age periodic table.  It's my infographic on all the major updates that were just announced in the latest Fusion 360 roadmap post!! The green tiles represent features that are ready to go, the yellow tiles are features in progress, and the few blue tiles are updates that are planned for development later this ye…

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By Daniel Douglas in Fusion 360, Posted January 12, 2018

Did Fusion 360 Behave? Take a Look at 2017

Have you ever purchased an app, a game, or professional software and found it to be seriously lacking? You know, those feelings of frustration and the endless stream of “Who wanted this…” and “Why didn’t they just…” The worst part is that there is usually no hope that the software get better (many “fixes” are worse than the problem they solve). Like any software, Fusion 360 has flaws, but are those flaws just part of the scenery or can we expect change? Let’s take a look at the last year of updates and see what kind of pattern emerges. Bugs and gl…

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